You may have heard time and time again about how important sleep is for your child and that they should be getting ‘enough’ sleep every night. But do you know how much sleep your child needs?
Sleep needs vary from child to child and by age. Knowing how much sleep your child should be getting is the first step towards healthy sleep.
We have put together a quick guide for you to be able to see how much sleep your child needs as he or she grows.
It is important to note that these are just guidelines. Some little ones may need a tad less or a little more.
If you need help reaching the recommended sleep goals, we can help!
Pam and Elisa
Great post!! I just wanted to ask that My son is 6 months old..Should I be worried if he is not getting 14-15hrs of sleep??
Hi Katherine,
Great question! The 14-15 hours of sleep are recommended however, not every child will fall into that category. If your 6 month old is close to those times and happy during the day, I wouldn’t worry. If he is quite far off of the 14-15 hours you may want to encourage a little more sleep from him by ensuring he has the opportunity to nap enough during the day with an early bedtime to support a full night’s sleep (with a feeding if he needs it).
Pam and Elisa
Thank you so much Pam and Elisa..