I have an 18 month old daughter who loved to be rocked to sleep. She would only go to sleep if she was rocked which could take anywhere from 30-60 minutes each time (including 2-3 times per night). My husband and I were at our wits end by the time we met Pam at the Baby Show in Ottawa. I signed up to take the sleep workshop thinking “we’ll see how this goes…” Low and behold we had such a great experience working with you! The class was a perfect starting point for us because it gave us the foundations that we needed/didn’t have in place to get our little one to sleep. We chose a method that we thought would work best for us but knew that there was always an option to change it if we needed with Pam’s help. I was beyond terrified to start this process because we had tried sleep training a few times before. After the first night we noticed a HUGE difference. Our daughter fussed a bit but took to the method better than I could have ever hoped! After 3 days she was sleeping through the night…like 12 full hours! And we didn’t have to rock her for 30-60 minutes to get her to/back to sleep! Pam was there with us every step of the way and I was able to ask questions and have the answers ready to implement that night. All I can say is thank you for giving me the BEST gift ever…sleep!
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