To say we were a mess when we met Elisa would be an understatement. Our son was four months old and had finally outgrown his colic and went straight into not sleeping. If he slept for three hours, we thought it was a miracle. However, he would then be up every hour after that. All. Night. Long.
My husband and I came to dread the evenings. As soon as the sun went down, our anxiety went up. We hadn’t slept, and our health, mine specifically, was declining and we were at our wit’s end. Then, I saw an ad for a sleeping seminar hosted by Elisa at Restful Parenting. I will admit, I was skeptical at first. “Don’t babies just figure out how to sleep on their own?”
I went to the seminar and learned that no, not all babies learn to sleep on their own, some need help and that is ok. I also learned about “wake windows”. I had never heard of such a term before and I learned that my cranky baby was just really, really tired.
That’s when we decided we needed help and Elisa was just the person to help us. After an exchange of many emails and a couple of phone calls, Elisa made us a plan. She actually made us three plans and asked that we review them and pick the one that best suited our style. Once we decided on a plan, it was time to implement. I was nervous. There was going to be some crying. Some from the baby, and some from me. But it was supported crying. My husband and I were there for our baby, and Elisa was there for us. Elisa reached out to us every day. She checked in, supported us and she guided us. She answered our questions, even the ones we sent at 4am.
We saw results almost immediately. We struggled through the first nap, but by the second nap he started to get it. And our baby, who hadn’t really slept for more than an hour at a time, slept for 2.5 hours. This is when I realized, the baby was just as exhausted as we were.
We now have a plan, a bedtime that is peaceful and enjoyable and a well-rested baby who laughs and smiles all the time.Elisa changed our lives. It is as simple as that.
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